Thursday 18 April 2024

We all love experiments

If you are a generation who have crossed college life, you should have come across idea of laboratory and experiments. Laboratory and experiments connects us with the practical visualization of theoretical learning. Visualization of theoretical knowledge adds more eagerness to our learning.



Experiments are all around us and is not limited to academic field. There is experimentation in the field of life science, in business, in agriculture and not the last but in politics too. One of the most basic requirement of putting our hands in experimentation is that we should be well prepared with the unexpected outcomes, be it progressive or regressive.

And Indian diaspora is on verge of undergoing a vital experiment and this time they want to give a chance to a psychopathic leadership. Not sure under what compulsion they have stuck themselves to become a partner in crime. Be sure that India has seen many psychopaths since the dawn of its civilized settlement and have over ridden them safeguarding their faith from getting polluted by the psychopathic thought process.

 On one side I am dumb struck with the risk they have involved themselves to sway against the tide of synchronized and to prove the universe wrong. On the other side I can only wish them best of luck in their endeavor and pray that they never stop future experimenting on a regressive outcome of the present one. 

Happy experimenting.


Wednesday 17 April 2024

When life gives you lemon....

I had my primary and high schooling at a christian missionary school. And much of my English knowledge I owe this to my school. It was a cosmopolitan experience. I enjoyed each and every moment, those teachers and friends were just enriching experience. There was never a dull scenario.

The specialty of my schooling was I never felt that I was schooled. There was never a need wherein my parents had to have personal talk to the teachers regarding my studies or conduct in the classroom. And ten years just passed like a bullet train journey with a sense of comfort.

You might be wondering what was the need to relive the school days. My take about the aspect is that we are all made to rerun. I mean we are made to believe that we living at someone's mercy. The air we breathe, the sunlight we receive, the rain that fills our ponds and the memories that enrich our hearts. We are expected to infer that we are indeed living each and every milli-second stealing life out of our living. And that is a worst form of making a living worse than that of a beggar who owes nothing to anyone.

Without going into details of who was responsible to drive us into such a situation, our focus should be how to insulate our future generation from getting entrapped. I don't mean that we should hide the reality from them but hide them from reality.

Monday 15 April 2024

Save the Mist

 Its summer at its peak and literally venturing out in mid-noon on empty roads is like get fried on a heated pan. Usually this type of roasting was expected to be offset by shallow rain but even that is missing during this summer.

 A dry spell often seen as evaporated weather gets compared with state of difficulty and displeasure. A drizzle resulting in conversion of dryness to wetness brings a sense of satisfaction and invokes patience rekindling hope of sublime emotions.

Dryness and wetness not only related to external weather but also internal sustenance. As and when we move away from kindness and humanity you can expect a dry spell with the hearts literally punishing it for your vague thoughts. Problem with internal dryness when compared to external dryness is that there is no need to convince anyone for forgone external dryness as it is quite natural wherein it becomes duty of nature to bring in the wetness to quench the thirst of the dried.


But internal dryness is heavily engulfed by the thoughts which acted as convincing particulars to embrace and feel internally dried. And to bring back that wetness into the hearts is mountainous task. Its our duty to fight the dryness and save that mist within the heart irrespective of who and how many stand against it.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Work under supervision

When you try to differentiate between process followed by well established companies that believe in self governance and those lala companies that believe in micromanagement. You can sense the difference based on the mentality developed by the workers serving in the respective types.

The organization that believe in self governance don't spend much of the time on supervising the employees and believes in liberal environment wherein the employees are self sustained towards contributing to the goal of the organization. Real problem that arises is when a person used to lala type of company gets a chance to be a part of self governed company.

 That's exactly what is happening in the country, citizens who mostly consisted of labor class were used to lala type of governance who instead of adhering to constitutional liberty feared mostly of application of force by the police department bred within them since British era. 

Scenario has changed world wide with progress of nations that believed in self rule for citizens and hence their governments who are mere voice of the esteemed citizens rather than acting as lordships.

A community that mostly budges to constitution fearing the repercussions it may need to face by the law enforcement agencies rather than understanding its marvel. Once any learnt identifies this weakness, the very reason empowers him to use force as tool of administration. The people who are believers of self rule sees this as the authoritarian rule whereas the problem lies in its citizens who feel treatment meted out to them justified.

Saturday 13 April 2024

The digital forensics - Pegasus spyware

Digital forensics, often known as computer forensics, is the art of gathering, analyzing, and archiving electronic data so that it can be used as evidence in court. It entails using specialized techniques and equipment to investigate digital devices for evidence, such as laptops, smartphones, and other electronic storage devices.

You might have crossed the days wherein Pegasus spyware was reportedly found to have intruded onto the smart phones of influential activists to track there activities against the authoritarian governments. 

NSO Group claims that its Pegasus spyware is only used to “investigate terrorism and crime”  and “leaves no traces whatsoever”. A Forensic Methodology Report shows that neither of these statements are true. This report accompanies the release of the Pegasus Project, a collaborative investigation that involves more than 80 journalists from 17 media organizations in 10 countries coordinated by Forbidden Stories with technical support of Amnesty International’s Security Lab.

Amnesty has hosted the main aspects of research on its webpage with link 

It has mentioned key features of its research on Pegasus spyware under the headings a below:

1. Discovering Pegasus network injection attacks

2. Pegasus’ BridgeHead and other malicious processes appear

3. Pegasus processes following potential Apple Photos exploitation

4. An iMessage zero-click 0day used widely in 2019

5. Apple Music leveraged to deliver Pegasus in 2020

6. Megalodon: iMessage zero-click 0-days return in 2021

7. Incomplete attempts to hide evidence of compromise

8. Pegasus processes disguised as iOS system services

9. Unravelling the Pegasus attack infrastructure over the years

10. Mobile devices, security and auditability

11. With our Methodology, we release our tools and indicators





Friday 12 April 2024

I am busy stitching my uniform

Last time I remember wherein my opinion was welcomed was regarding selection of tiles to a new house built by my younger brother. Apart from that most of my opinion be it regarding work culture, financial investment or educational training was mostly on a contradictory path when compared to general perception regarding the subject matter.


An opinion is a opinion, be it implemented or not by the responsible heads. You have to accept the fact this society is not based on meritorious opinion but hinged onto motorized mobility. If a scam is able to travel faster than the logic, rest be assured scam has the upper hand.

It will be an up-skilling effort to find basis of factors that decide the velocity of mobility but not worth the time as dynamics are far flung. Fakery is throttled, plagiarism is mainstreamed, pilferage is stabilized. Is it the end of game for those who escaped onslaught of muggers?


Mahatma Gandhi said that in matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place. There is no one to stand behind you if you wish to stand behind the conscience. But peculiarity is there is no one to force you to stand behind the conscience as you are surrounded by the flag bearers of majority cause.

Thursday 11 April 2024

We were always a wicked

 I would always be wrong to say that we are embracing wickedness out of blue or our surrounding has gone delusion-ed when compared to yesterday. Deceit, deranged, dichotomous, you mention any cringe word from dictionary and you can find it in our connections. 


But none of this had a bearing on our perception w.r.t. recreational understanding. There was an unwritten understanding between the two extremities to not to cross each others path. And thus our younger generation were insulated from the parched thoughts to help them design their own future based on principles of universal brotherhood.

As there was consensus being formed amongst adamant fundamentalists on keeping the future away from the self centrist mentality, a personality that believes in dismembering consensus has made a headway to un-groom the holistic approach being infused within the senses of the projected.


Does this mean our strides in purported acceptance of mentored future gone awry? The answer doesn't lie in a straight forward  dynamism, but we can be assured that there has been a damage to credible holistic view. It is time to ascertain who were influenced by the polity based on integrity and who just coerced themselves citing crowd mania.